Month 2, Days 14-30

The next morning Kirby awoke to someone banging on his door. As he sleepily sat up in bed, he heard Tiff’s voice “Kirby! You in there?” The young star warrior happily ran over to the door an let Tiff in, who scooped Kirby up in a big hug “oh Kirby! Where we you?” “We were worried about you Kirby” Tuff said, following Tiff in. Kirby suddenly remembered yesterday and ran past Tiff and Tuff towards the castle. He wanted to know what happened next in the story.

Meta Knight was already awake and he, Sword and Blade had left the castle to also check Kirby’s house for the pink puffball. As they headed to Kirby’s the young star warrior ran past them towards the castle. A moment later Tiff and Tuff followed. Meta Knight turned to his fellow soldiers “it would appear that we have found Kirby, and that he is headed for the castle. We shall keep an eye on him there.” Sword and Blade nodded and they headed back to the castle.

Once inside, Kirby made a beeline for where he remembered Meta Knight’s room was. Once he got there he took out the log book, which luckily still had the bookmark in it, and opened it up to where he left off. He was surprised and a little let down to find the jar of candy missing yet he figured he’d eat something when his body told him it was meal time.

Month 2, Day 14:

As night falls on our seventh day since leaving Mimlin, we have finally found another planet teaming with life. This one appears to be comprised of small towns and fields; nonetheless it is a place to rest and stock up on supplies. We set a course for the planet before turning in for the night.

Month 2, Day 15:

It would seem that we have arrived on the planet Bushbog, according to the locals. We landed several hours ago in a small field and ventured into town for more food and supplies. Upon asking a few townsfolk I have come to the conclusion that I would not be adding any new recruits to my army from this small planet. Everyone apparently had heard of Nightmare, yet he had not bothered them yet so they decided to not attract his attention. I fully understand, however I need more soldiers; my army of four could not take down Nightmare by ourselves.

We are now stocked with more food and water and have set our course further into the stars. We all hope that we can find more soldiers at the next planet we visit.

Month 2, Day 20:

We have been in space another five days and have yet to find another planet. My loyal crew, however, has not given up hope. Every day Angel and I spar in the kitchen area while Jared reviews strategies he has come up with and designs new ones. Jeremy keeps watch on the radar for a while before Angel takes over. I feel that all my comrades should have some skill in weaponry; every day the child borrows Jared’s dagger and I teach him how to fight. He is making progress, which I must say I’m impressed by.

However our food supply is running low again and I hope that we find a new planet soon.

Month 2, Day 23:

We have found our next planet with life on it: Dagner. It is like Mimlin, yet not as advanced. Once we landed I ordered everyone to buy supplies and to purchase a weapon they could use. It is nearing two months since I left Nightmare’s army; it is not luck that has kept him from me this long. He is planning to get me and I want my comrades ready when he does. I, too, bought a weapon: a small yet graceful sword. Beautiful and powerful, it suited me perfectly. Jared bought himself a longer dagger, Angel bought a new bow and more arrows and Jeremy also bought a short sword.

Again I asked some locals whether anyone would want to help me defeat Nightmare. They replied no, yet told me of a mechanic who could refuel my starship. I thanked them and brought the ship to the mechanic, who said his name was Frank. He refueled my tank, I regrouped with my fellow soldiers and were on our way.

Month 2, Day 30:

Today marks the second month away from Nightmare’s army. I had hoped to have had at least fifty soldiers by now, yet it would seem that every body else is too scared of Nightmare to stand up to him.

Earlier as I stood near the main window Angel came over to me, followed by Jared and James. “Captain Meta Knight,” she asked me, “what do you know about Nightmare? I mean…I know he’s a bad person and all, but…you act like you know more about him than you care to say. Any amount of information could greatly help us, if you wouldn’t mind sharing.”

Now how was I to answer that? Could I really tell my fellow soldiers that I was actually made by that monster…that I served under him…that I was a monster? Or instead could I lie to them…tell them I knew nothing more then they did and keep it at that. I could not face my soldiers if they knew the truth about my past. Finally I told them “Nightmare is the embodiment of evil and the scourge of the universe itself. It is said that he is made out of the fear and hatred those have of him and that he has no weakness. He can create monsters at will and send them to distant planets to conquer in his name. His ultimate goal is to plunge the universe into total darkness, in which he shall rule.” With that I left them for the confines of my room.

So many questions left unanswered, both of my past and future. Will I ever succeed? Will this senseless violence ever end? I can only pray that the answers will show themselves to me.

Sonic (C)SEGA, Kirby (C)HAL Labs & Nintendo, Powerpuff Girls (C)CN, Truff (C)BloomBlitz